Jeff Goodman, MBA

All my life I have enjoyed helping people in various capacities, so naturally I’ve been drawn to customer service throughout different industries. My background has primarily been in the retail and food management realm; however, about 10 years ago, I fell into banking/financial services management. I chose to study business as I have always had many interests with technology, accounting, marketing, etc. I earned my B.S. in Business Management and continued on to earn my M.B.A.
My wife, Bryanna, has amazing talent and skill in helping save marriages and helping individuals/families through life’s maze. She was consistently booked, while turning away new clients. I proposed an expansion to better meet the needs of our community.
On the days that I am not helping clients or our talented therapists, I enjoy spending time with my wife and our three kiddos! Some of my favorite things include video games, yard work, Settler’s of Catan, camping, hiking, and watching movies.
- Networking
- Public Relations
- Negotiating
- Client Service
- Operations
- Sales